Updated: April 15, 2015
Baseball Simulation Program - D.B. Schmidt
Here's a link to Grasso's forum on Delphi Forums.
General information and propaganda sheet:
General Info about Strategic Baseball Simulator
theory.txt - Details on the SBS baseball simulation design...
sbs491.pdf - PDF documentation for SBS 4.9.1
Tabletop Baseball Games
11 Best Baseball Game and Season Simulators
Email me at: d b s c h m i d t 1 @ y a h o o . c o m (remove the spaces)
Full Package for New Users:
These setup files include recent past seasons, but to get the 2010 and 2011 seasons you need to download them separately under the TEAM LIBRARY section below.
Version 4.9.2 has been modified to work under Windows 7. Version 4.9.1 and older versions do not work well on Windows 7.
sbs493-setup.exe - SBS 4.9.3 for Windows (self-installing .EXE 09/21/2012).
sbs492-setup.exe - SBS 4.9.2 for Windows (self-installing .EXE 05/08/2010).
sbs491-setup.exe - SBS 4.9.1 for Windows (self-installing .EXE 03/27/2009).
If you want to update SBS from a version older than 4.9.x, it is recommended that you download the full version. You
may wish to save your old baseball.cfg file for reference before your download.
If you want to update SBS from version 4.9.x, choose one of the options below:
1. If you want to include the 2009 teams along with the 2009 schedule:
upg-492-2009dat.exe - (05/08/2010)
2. If you do NOT want the 2009 season data included:
upg-492-no-dat.exe - (05/08/2010)
The upgrades above do NOT include a "stadium.txt" or a "baseball.cfg" because you may have done some
customizations on your existing files and we don't want to overwrite them. The included WHATSNEW.TXT file contains
the updates to the stadium.txt and baseball.cfg that you may copy and paste into your current files.
See WHATSNEW.TXT Changes in version 4.9.2 etc.
Other files that may be of interest:
sbsim36.zip - Version 3.6 for DOS (.ZIP version 3/19/2001).
vuangle.zip - (9/28/2002) Crude utility to determine observer's location for background images
vuangle.txt - Source code for vuangle
New Text-to-Speech feature
This is already included in the full download of 4.9.3.
If you have 4.9.2 and want to upgrade for the audio,
download these two files and and stick them in your regular SBS folder:
sbs493.exe - SBS 4.9.3 Text-to-Speech
announcer.exe - program that "talks"
Now make a shortcut to "sbs493.exe" and you're in business. (You want to run that instead of sbs492.exe).
You'll probably want to change the delay factor to "2" if you're running XP, which seems to work quite well.
On Windows 7 you'll probably want to leave the delay factor at "3". It's not as smooth as XP. Tweak as needed.
Also, if your computer is under a heavy load, like from a busy virus scanner, results may not be good.
Source Code
Some folks have expressed an interest in looking at my source code.
I started writing this in FORTRAN back in the early 1980's and then in QuickBasic, Microsoft Basic and finally PowerBasic.
Stylistically, the code is a mess. However, it could be used in structured programming classes
as a good example of how not to construct a program. It also makes heavy use of "global" variables
which I will not bother to document. Examine the code if you like, but I do not have time to answer any "how does this work" questions.
sbs491-public.txt - Source code for SBS 4.9.1. PowerBasic Console Compiler, Console Tools and Graphics Tools required.
sbs493-public.txt - Source code for SBS 4.9.3. PowerBasic Console Compiler, Console Tools and Graphics Tools required.
announcer-public.txt - Source code for "announcer". PowerBasic 9 for Windows
TEAM LIBRARY - Download Season and Team Data
Recent seasons:
2014 Season Data files with Schedule: 2014mlb.zip Pat Senechal's 2014 season (right-click and "Save Target As")
2013 Season Data files with Schedule: 2013mlb.zip Pat Senechal's 2013 season (right-click and "Save Target As")
2012 Season Data files with Schedule: 2012mlb.zip Pat Senechal's 2012 season (right-click and "Save Target As")
2011 Season Data files with Schedule: 2011mlb.zip Pat Senechal's 2011 season (right-click and "Save Target As")
2010 Season Data files with Schedule: 2010mlb.zip Pat Senechal's 2010 season (right-click and "Save Target As")
2009 Season Data files with Schedule: 2009mlb.zip Pat Senechal's 2009 season (right-click and "Save Target As")
2008 Season Data files with Schedule: 2008mlb.zip Pat Senechal's 2008 season (right-click and "Save Target As")
Pat's Old Library
Submit your work to Pat at: patsen@sunclan.org
Bryan Bollman's old compilation of leagues and teams from several sources is available as one large download at:
Mischa Gelman has personally built a large collection of Minor League and Japanese teams here:
Mischa Gelman's Library (links on right side)
UTILITIES and Other Postings
Utility programs by Bryan Bollman - RunSBS 3.0
RUNSBS, is a Windows "front-end" for SBS by Bryan Bollman.
With RUNSBS you can use a modern Windows interface to select your pitchers and teams.
For details: runsbs.tripod.com
Also check out the Encyclopedia at runsbs.tripod.com/sbse.html
Other miscellaneous files/utilities
"Search and Replace" utility for schedule files: sbssar.zip
Designed for those of you who would like to copy an existing .SCH file and do
global "search and replace" type operations to create new .SCH files. Not fancy.
Just does one string at a time.
"Schedule Builder" schbldr.exe
Another utility to build schedule files from simple text files.
www.baseball-reference.com - World's Greatest Source of Baseball Stats
Misc. Links
Tabletop Baseball Games
Science of Baseball
John Skilton's Baseball Links - All kinds of baseball links
Other Web sites of our SBS community
www.youtube.com/dbschmidt1 - My talented kids performing
www.youtube.com/broderrodents - My kids weird homemade videos
hockeysimulation.com - Joe Gucciardo's Quest Hockey Simulation
sportsreplays.net/baseball.htm - John Gardiner
www.city-net.com/~mgelman - Mischa Gelman
www.BobNewell.net - Bob Newell
home.epix.net/~maywrite/game.htm - Mary and Eric
If you play SBS and would like your home page listed here, drop me an email.
SBS is not licensed by anyone, therefore the
following trademarks or service marks of Major League
Baseball entities are NOT used by the Strategic Baseball Simulator (SBS).
Major League, Major League Baseball, MLB, the silhouetted batter logo, World Series,
National League, American League, Division Series, League Championship
Series, All-Star Game and the names, nicknames, logos, designs and
slogans designating the Major League Baseball Clubs and entities,
and their respective mascots, events and exhibitions.